The summer home of the the Kemulas

Oh when life offers its graces!
Weathered stone walls with tales to tell,

unkempt gardens with seasons to bear.

Old chairs,

fresh plums,
blades of grass,
and toys left to rust.

I live for these moments that simmer in time!
No longer needing to measure. Instead, to savor.
Let my body be my clock!
Eat only when my stomach churns,
drink only when my throat is dry,
sleep each time my eyelids fall.
I feel like leaping in the wind!
running like a boy!
laughing like a child!
and when the sun is setting...
when the sparrows cuddle in their nests,
When time seems to have passed so quickly,
an aperitif, perhaps?
Oh when France offers its graces,
One cannot help but just ... Be.