Sexuality sits on the lap of the soul, deep in the deepest chamber of our being. It is the precious offspring of the heart and soul, the symbol of their capacity to express love. Like a precious Child, a gift from God, It is not something that can be abandoned, denied, or exchanged for another! Rather, It must be nurtured and allowed to express itself freely, to reach it's fullest! Nevertheless, however, It should not be allowed to lose its way nor, worse, given away carelessly, for it is a precious God-given gift made for the purpose of expressing his will of FAITH, HOPE, and LOVE.
So please, My zealous Christian brothers and sisters, do not tell me that in order to be right with God and receive eternal salvation, I have to deny myself of my true sexuality?! I have to Ignore the true emotions That have been born in the deepest recesses of my self? and pretend to be what you call "normal"? Might I kill the myth now, For most cases, BEING GAY IS NOT A MATTER OF CHOICE! THIS IS NOT A DEFIANCE OF NORM! NOT A REBELLION AGAINST SOCIETY AND GOD! I, for one, have clearly realized that I am gay not by a conscious choice I made at some point in my life but by God’s will! YES! GOD'S WILL! Who else could have determined hormonal predisposition but our creator! Who else could have allowed environmental influences but our creator! Therefore, not one of you mortal and fallible zealots can tell me that God is displeased with me for being the way he created me to be?! neither can you claim that I am under the influence of the devil. If you have not yet realized, God is perfect! One, He will not create something and then, years after, frown and say, “hmm, you’re a mistake so ill have to throw you into the fire”.Two, He will not allow any of those he loves to be under the cruel influence of the devil! God is bigger and mightier than anything! My dear brothers and sisters, Please, know OUR God more! Not only in form but also in substance!
I urge you zealots, review the basic precepts of Christianity,thoroughly and deeply, leaving out man-made rules and prejudiced beliefs, See that it's pure essence simply says that God's love is sooo deep that he has the unfathomable capacity to accept us for who we are, and, That the reason why Christ died on the cross was to allow us to be ourselves as we are without the burden of guilt (from the law) order for us to concentrate on loving him, loving others, and living a good life according to his unique purposes for us.
You always throw the line, “Let the old die and the new you arise, for with Christ’s death, your old self has died too”. Might I stress, my being gay is not my “old self”, It is my true self – always have been always will be. What God meant about our “old self” were the evils that developed in our early immaturities – selfishness, pride, lust, greed, and all that does not agree with his ultimate will of LOVE. Why of course I am most willing to turn from all that is evil! Of course my aim in life is to evolve into the kind of person God wants me to be! Of course I aim to turn from my former irresponsible ways! But do not tell me that with all that I must throw my sexuality into the trash bin too! My sexuality is not sin! In the same way that yours is not! It only becomes so when we use it to abuse! Pardon my humanity but I cannot deny the world around me of the truth. I cannot live a lie. I know God would be more displeased about that. I dare you staunch gay Christians to turn from your sexuality, pretend you don’t feel the things that you feel, marry a woman if you please! I will respect you for your bravery! And I know that God will appreciate your effort. But when all is said and done, lets talk in heaven and see if that was all that necessary. I may be proven wrong but hey, while I’m here, I’d rather live imperfectly in truth, than live pretending to be perfect.
Please do not use God to escape from your true self.
With God , WE are free to be who we really are. WE ARE INCLUDED IN HIS PLAN.