Were staying at a flat in West Kensington that is of my distant cousin-in-law Gina’s. She’s gracious to have us. Now a jewelry designer (who has been chosen to exhibit at the London fashion week this year), I had known her since the 70’s as the eccentric fag-haggy one who has lived in London most of her adult life but I never really knew till now that she is an artist herself and, true to being an artist, an incessant pack rat with a flat full of interesting books, cds, magazines, paintings and rummaged artifacts. Going through her flat is a bit like going through Lola’s old baul with curious things that all have a story. There is no order to anything, No symmetry to arrangements, but it’s thick with character. Ito yata yung tinatawag ni mareng Marlon na shabby chic? Our host left the flat to us as she is in Paris at the moment and may head on to Umbria for the summer daw. God, please stop me from re-decorating this flat! I might get evicted!
This is home for 8 weeks…mighty fine.
Good room. Great kitchen.Place to study. Peace and quite. God provides :)