On filmmaking, advertising, traveling, God, sex, friends, family, foes and lovers.

Monday, November 26, 2007

sieze and persist!

If you hear a voice within you say "you cannot write" then by all means write, and that voice will be silenced < paraphrased from Vincent Van Gough's journals

Past few days, I find that I need to drag myself to write. I say to myself, maybe I'm not really cut out to be a writer?...maybe i'm better off just doing what i do best?...visualizing the words...bringing internal and abstract ideas to real palpable life...

But, lame is the director who does not challenge his mind to use his imagination and create stories!...will he spend his whole life interpretting other people's scripts?

I think maybe I'm just distracted with other "life issues" - career concerns, matters of the ego, financial needs and wants,...ugh. God please release me from these futile bondages!

I need to write now!

I need to persist.

I need to fulfill this for him^.